ESSI UHT technology receives endorsement by international entity, for use in the processing of FDA-certified products
After years of industrial, technological and social acceleration, the food industry focuses on more demanding quality standards, to which companies must respond through technological innovation. The United States is one of the largest markets in the world, which has shown an increase in food consumption per capita worldwide, therefore, it represents great opportunities for companies […]
Ultrapasteurization: a fundamental process for the food safety of milk
Due to its composition, milk degrades quickly since it presents the ideal conditions for bacterial growth: water, proteins, fats and sugars. There are currently ways to guarantee their food safety; however, in the past, milk was the origin of multiple infections and diseases.
Why is milk quality control so important for our lives?
To deliver a product in excellent condition, it is important to have the ideal tools. ESSI is concerned about food safety and offers the perfect machinery for the packaging, process and end of the production of milk and other derivatives.
Why is milk quality control so important for our lives?
To deliver a product in excellent condition, it is important to have the ideal tools. ESSI is concerned about food safety and offers the perfect machinery for the packaging, process and end of the production of milk and other derivatives.