

Technical characteristics of the equipment

The main objective of ESSI is to guarantee products that are safe for consumption and their service life. The ESSI Pasteurizer allows the production of pasteurized liquids with a high energy efficiency. Models between 3,000 and 25,000 L/h or with higher capacities are manufactured, according to the specific requirements of the customer.

ESSI manufactures models based on the following parameters:

  • Cost.
  • Technology.
  • Service consumption vs. capacity.
  • Eficiencia térmica 89%.
  • Dimensions:.

It allows you to install equipment with a long service life, which leads to low maintenance costs.

Most relevant features

The ESSI Pasteurizer allows the process of Production of pasteurized and dense liquids such as yogurt with high energy efficiency. Being automatic, it can fully control the variables that define the quality of the product, thanks to the automation of production, washing and temperature control cycles.

Main benefits of the Pasteurizer

Expected metrics and outstanding indicators from the team

Manufacturing details

Parts in contact with the product: AISI 304 and 316L.


All ESSI process teams are highly functional systems that require a control and maintenance scheme to ensure the assurance of reliability, availability and performance indicators in production.

In this way, ESSI has a portfolio of services and spare parts for the timely performance of preventive and corrective maintenance, offering a timely remote and face-to-face technical assistance system at all times.


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